Pioneering Sustainable Solutions Empowering Communities, Preserving the Planet

LAC Global Limited is at the forefront of sustainable development, driving innovative solutions that harmonize environmental protection, economic growth, and social well-being.

Our partners and clients that trust us over the years



Pioneering sustainable solutions through innovative services in waste management, civil engineering, agribusiness brokerage, food delivery, and consultancy.

A man carrying vegetables

Agribusiness Broker

Connecting agricultural producers and buyers globally, facilitating efficient and sustainable trade partnerships for a secure food future.

Construction workers

Civil Engineering

Pioneering sustainable infrastructure solutions, combining cutting-edge engineering expertise with environmental consciousness to build a resilient future.

Green mountains in the forest

Waste Management

Revolutionizing waste management through digital technologies, promoting a circular economy and sustainable resource utilization for a cleaner, greener world.

Female delivery agent carrying a green bag and putting on a green cap

Food Delivery Service

Bringing the convenience of on-demand food delivery while prioritizing sustainability, supporting local businesses, and promoting healthy eating habits.

Clean food tray

Food Safety Consultancy

Ensuring food safety and quality through expert guidance, risk assessment, and tailored solutions for manufacturers and handlers along the entire supply chain.

Explore our diverse portfolio of projects and initiatives, showcasing our commitment to communities and drive positive change.


With over 10 years of keeping to our words, here’s what some
of our client has to say about working with us.


Everything you need to know about LAC Global and
how we operate across Sub-Saharan Africa

What is LAC Global Limited's mission?

LAC Global Limited's mission is to develop and implement comprehensive, sustainable solutions that harmonize environmental protection, economic prosperity, and social well-being. We are committed to leveraging our expertise and resources to drive positive change, foster collaboration, and create a better future for generations to come.

What services does LAC Global Limited offer?
Where is LAC Global Limited located?
How does LAC Global Limited contribute to sustainable development?


Insightful perspectives and thought-provoking content on sustainable
practices, industry trends, and innovative solutions for a better tomorrow.

Unlock Sustainable Growth, Empower Communities,
Build a Better Tomorrow.

Discover how LAC Global Limited is pioneering sustainable solutions and driving positive change.